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Stack of Books
Maren’s Must Read Books
  1. Mindset - Carol Dweck

  2. Burn Your Goals - Joshua Metcalf & Jamie Gilbert

  3. The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy

  4. Question Behind the Question - John G. Miller

  5. Marching Off the Map -  Tim Elmore

  6. Drive - Daniel Pink

  7. The Talent Code - Daniel Coyle

  8. Lean In - Sheryl Sandberg

  9. The Coaching Habit. Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever - Michael Bungay Stanier 

  10. Atomic Habits - James Clear

  11. Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria - Beverly Daniel Tatum

  12. Identity Shift - Anthony Trucks

  13. The Surrender Experiment - Michael A. Singer

Flowers in Glass Jar
Maren’s Favorite Sport Books
  1. Relentless – Tim Grover

  2. Toughness – Jay Bilas

  3. Why the Best are the Best – Kevin Eastman

  4. You Win in the Locker Room First – Jon Gordon

  5. Lead…for God’s Sake – Todd Gongwer

  6. Matheny Manifesto – Mike Matheny

Image by Fahrul Azmi
Maren’s 2022 Completed Book List
  1. Profit First - Mike Michalowicz

  2. Identity Shift - Anthony Trucks

  3. 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do - Amy Morin 

  4. Uncommon Leadership - Ben Newman

  5. Relationship GRIT - John Gordon & Kathryn Gordon

  6. A Black Women's History of the United States - Daina Ramey Berry & Kali Nicole Gross

  7. Rare Leadership - Warner / Wilder

  8. The Future of Leadership - Joshua Medcalf & Seth Mattison 

  9. The Surrender Experiment  - Michael A. Singer

  10. W1NNING - Tim S. Grover

  11. CUES - Vanessa Van Edwards

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